Life Transition Coaching

Navigate Life's Major Transitions with Clarity and CONFIDENCE

Change is a constant in life, and you're currently navigating one. It might be a new phase in your career, a personal evolution, or a fresh understanding of yourself and your ambitions. These pivots shape your journey, offering lessons and opportunities for growth.

Life Transitions aren't just about the visible changes. They are about the silent, internal shifts that happen as you navigate through different phases of life. Each transition, whether it's in your personal, professional, or emotional life, is an opportunity to deepen your understanding of yourself and find your unique place in the world.

This is where Life Transition Coaching is impactful. It’s not just about managing these shifts; it's about transforming them into pathways of clarity and purpose. With Life Transition Coaching, you gain the tools and insights to navigate each transition with confidence and ease, ensuring every stage of your life is infused with meaning and directed by your own clear vision.

Making Sense of Life Transitions

Life is an adventure of unexpected twists and defining milestones. As a Life Transition Coach, I'm here to guide you through these pivotal changes, whether they are in your career, personal relationships, or lifestyle. Together, we'll explore these transitions, uncovering your potential and crafting your unique life story. Embrace each change as a stepping stone to growth, self-discovery, and fulfillment.

Your Path Through Major Life Changes

Embark on Your Path of Transformation

As you continue on this path, consider these significant life transitions, each a unique chapter in your story. They exemplify the diverse and transformative experiences I guide you through, helping you to navigate each with resilience and ease.

  • Navigating career shifts

  • Embracing new job opportunities

  • Advancing into leadership roles

  • Leading organizational change

  • Undertaking new academic programs

  • Returning to education for further development

Career and Educational shifts:

  • Starting or ending significant relationships

  • Experiencing the dynamics of marriage or partnership

  • Navigating the complexities of separation or divorce

  • Adjusting to family life changes, such as becoming a parent

  • Coping with the evolving roles in family relationships

Relationship and family transitions:

lifestyle adjustments

  • Moving to a new city or country

  • Transitioning into or out of retirement

  • Adapting to significant changes in personal health

  • Redefining lifestyle after major personal events

  • Embracing new hobbies or interests that alter daily life

As you continue on this path, consider these significant life transitions, each a unique chapter in your story. They exemplify the diverse and transformative experiences I guide you through, helping you to navigate each with confidence and ease.

Change in life can be like a wave – sometimes it lifts you up with excitement and energy, while other times it can feel overwhelming, like a surge of uncertainty and doubt. It's entirely normal to experience a blend of emotions, from anticipation to apprehension. Whether you're stepping into an exciting new phase or facing the unknowns of a significant life transition, these moments test your resilience, challenge your adaptability, and reveal your true strength. Life Transition Coaching is your compass in these seas of change, offering personalized guidance and insightful support to help you ride these waves with assured confidence and clear direction.

Steering Through Life's Changing Tides

How Life Transition Coaching Works

Navigating life's transitions is rarely straightforward, and it becomes particularly complex when you're managing overlapping roles and multiplying responsibilities.

Say you're a dedicated professional who has diligently climbed the career ladder to a leadership position. Simultaneously, you've embraced the enriching role of motherhood. Now, with these dual identities, you find yourself at a crossroads, striving to perform at your peak without compromising on either front. You've put in years of hard work to reach a level in your career that you've always aimed for.

Yet, as a mother, each day presents a balancing act between the demands of your career and the needs of your family. You're on a quest for a solution that respects both these crucial aspects of your life, moving beyond the feeling of being divided between two worlds.

This scenario is a reflection of a common challenge many face, and it's precisely where the 3 A's of my coaching approach: Awareness, Action, and Accountability can bring about transformative change.

The 3 A's of coaching: awareness, accountability and action

Awareness: Our journey begins by addressing the heart of your transition. Each transition has three phases: an end, the in-between, and a new beginning. We'll explore what beliefs, assumptions, habits, and patterns you need to let go of, discover the possibilities in the in-between phase, and experience the renewal of fully stepping into your new beginning

Action: In our coaching partnership, we'll create your personalized 'transition hub.' This hub is where we develop and store the skills, resources, and strategies crucial for your successful transition. Together, we'll create a plan that respects various aspects of your life. It could involve redefining success, setting new boundaries, or finding innovative ways to integrate your work and home life seamlessly, all while ensuring that your 'transition hub' remains a valuable toolkit throughout your journey.

Accountability: As your coach, I'll be with you every step of the way. We'll have regular check-ins to make sure the plan is serving you well and to celebrate your victories. When challenges arise, we'll tackle them head-on, ensuring that your actions continue to align with your values.

Your Transition Coaching Partner

Hi, I am Madjeen

Madjeen Lorth Personal Development Coach

With a background in mental health counseling and over two decades of experience, I offer a unique blend of insight and understanding to support you through life’s transitions. As a Black immigrant woman, I bring a deeply personal and culturally competent perspective to our coaching sessions.

Working together, we will navigate the complexities of your life transitions. My approach is holistic and intersectional, recognizing all facets of your identity and experiences. We'll collaborate to harness your inner strengths, providing you with the tools and strategies needed to navigate life's transitions with confidence and clarity.

“Madjeen’s coaching has not only helped bring clarity to all areas of my life, she has also helped me gain momentum and the courage to go after my dreams.

My confidence has improved significantly and I feel much more equipped to handle life’s challenges. I really appreciate Madjeen’s affirming and supportive coaching style. This process was seamless.

Thank you, Madjeen!”

TB, Coaching Client


  • A Life Coach broadly guides through various life aspects, while a Transition Coach specializes in navigating the phases of transition. Transition Coaching focuses on guiding clients through the end of old patterns, supporting them in the uncertain phase where the past is gone but the future hasn't fully arrived, and aiding them in embracing new beginnings. This process respects the internal aspects of change, making it distinct from general life coaching

  • I combine a holistic and intersectional approach, considering all aspects of your identity and lived experience, to help you navigate with greater ease and confidence. My qualifications include a Master of Education in Psychological Studies and a certification in Life Coaching. I am adept at guiding clients through transitions with a trauma-sensitive lens, ensuring an impactful and transformative experience.

  • In career development, Transition Coaching is essential during role changes, company reorganization, or industry shifts. It supports the process of letting go of past roles, navigating the uncertainty of change, and and aligning your values, strengths, and authentic self to your evolving career path.

  • In the first coaching session, we will establish an agreement that will help us clarify the current changes and identify areas that require transition. We will also discuss the process of setting goals. Throughout the coaching engagement, we will create space for relationship building. This will be done through exploration and discovery assessments, enabling us to establish a strong coaching foundation.

  • Transition, unlike mere change, involves a deeper, more personal evolution. It's not just about external shifts but also about the internal transformation and growth that accompany these changes. While 'change' can happen quickly, even suddenly, 'transition' is about how we adapt, grow, and redefine ourselves through these changes.

    Transition coaching focuses on this holistic journey. It's not just about navigating the immediate changes in your life; it's about understanding and embracing the broader impact these changes have on your identity, values, and vision for the future. This coaching approach is designed to support you not only in coping with change but in thriving through it, turning challenges into opportunities for personal development and fulfillment.

    As for whether transition coaching will work for you, it largely depends on your openness to self-discovery and commitment to personal growth. If you're ready to delve into the deeper aspects of your life transitions and are seeking guidance to navigate these periods with clarity and confidence, then transition coaching can be a transformative and highly beneficial experience.

Need to talk?

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